Terms and Conditions

Greenpartylebanon.org account Terms of Service


Account access to Greenpartylebanon.org is a communication & collaboration service for members in good standing. The Greenpartylebanon.org social community tools (blogs, forums, etc…) increase the availability of information, encourage healthy debate, and make possible better connections between fellow members, volunteers and staff.

We respect our member’s ownership of and responsibility for the content they choose to share. It is our belief that censoring this content is contrary to a service that bases itself on freedom of expression.

In order to uphold these values, we need to curb abuses that threaten our ability to provide this service and the freedom of expression it encourages. As a result, there are some boundaries on the type of content that can be hosted with your Greenpartylebanon.org account. The boundaries we’ve defined are those that serve to enhance the service as a whole.

Proper Use

You agree that you are responsible for your own use of your Greenpartylebanon.org account privileges, for any posts you make, and for any consequences thereof.

You agree that access to your Greenpartylebanon.org account is dependent on being a member in good standing, and that these privileges can be suspended and/or terminated when your membership is not renewed upon its end date.

You agree to abide by the Greenpartylebanon.org Content Policy, the GPL Code of Conduct, and the GPL Confidentiality Agreement (if applicable).

Any violation of these terms of service may result in Greenpartylebanon.org account suspension and/or termination.

The Greenpartylebanon.org social community contains personal opinions, and may not reflect the position of the Green Party of Lebanon. For official party policy please visit the policy and press release sections.

The Green Party of Lebanon claims no ownership over any content submitted, posted or displayed by you using your Greenpartylebanon.org account. You may choose to submit, post, and display any materials your Greenpartylebanon.org account under a public license (e.g. a Creative Commons license), by manually marking your materials as such.

The Green Party of Lebanon reserves the right to makes changes to this document from time to time as required. We will attempt to notify Greenpartylebanon.org account users via electronic means in a timely manner.

Content Policy

Our content policies play an important role in maintaining a good Greenpartylebanon.org experience for you, the members. Please respect these guidelines. From time to time, we may change our content policies so please check back here.

Your Greenpartylebanon.org account is a privilege. Repeated abuse may result in account suspension and/or termination.


Members must agree to and abide by the GPL Code of Conduct and respect the 6 Key Values:

  1. Ecological Wisdom – As in nature, members of the Green Party come from different walks in life, but all members are respected, and their contributions to the Party are appreciated;
    2. Social Justice – All people are equal in rights and are given equal opportunity to freely express their opinions and thoughts;
    3. Participatory Democracy – Transparency and accountability to the general membership is practiced, and party members are encouraged to participate in the democratic process;
    4. Non-violence – No verbal or written aggression. Insults, threats, or other negative behaviors are not tolerated;
    5. Sustainability – All decisions are made for seven generations; and
    6. Respect for Diversity – The GPL encourages the expression of diverse ideas and opinions.

HATEFUL CONTENT: No person shall publish material that promotes hate toward groups based on race, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, disability, gender, age, veteran status, and sexual orientation or gender identity. No person shall use profane, insulting, harassing, or otherwise offensive language, or publicly criticize fellow volunteers, staff, or GPL party members.

VIOLENT CONTENT: No person shall publish direct threats of violence against any person or group of people.

COPYRIGHT: It is our policy to respond to clear notices of alleged copyright infringement.

PRIVILEGED INFORMATION: Members must agree and abide by the GPL Confidentiality Agreement, and not publish any information following under this Agreement.

PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION: We do not allow the unauthorized publishing of people’s private and confidential information, such as credit card numbers, Social Insurance Numbers, and driver’s and other license numbers.

IMPERSONATION: We do not allow impersonation of others through our services in a manner that is intended to or does mislead or confuse others.

UNLAWFUL USE OF SERVICES: Greenpartylebanon.org account services should not be used for unlawful purposes or for promotion of dangerous and illegal activities.

SPAM, MALICIOUS CODES AND VIRUSES: We do not allow spamming or transmitting malware and viruses.

PORNOGRAPHY AND OBSCENITY: We have a zero-tolerance policy against pornography. Greenpartylebanon.org account termination can occur on the first offense.

