Set your fear aside and embrace hope,’ Green Party Leader tells local voters

It was perhaps fitting that in a downtown store jammed with relics of yore, Ontario Green Party leader Mike Schreiner said Friday it’s time to shrug off the past and try a new brand of politics.

“I recently completed a leader’s tour, traveling 2,500 kilometres, visiting 20 cities, 30 events, doing 61 media interviews in nine days,” he told a small group of party faithful gathered around the Eclectic Café inside Carousel Collectables. “Everywhere I went, people said: ‘We are so hungry for a new way of doing politics. We don’t want wedge-issue politics.’”

He said his party would bring a new approach to Queen’s Park.

“A lot of people don’t want to vote for the establishment party that hasn’t governed the province very well,” he said of Kathleen Wynne’s Liberals. He said many also “don’t want (to vote) for an establishment party that shows they can’t even govern themselves let alone the province and elected a leader that a lot of people feel pretty frightened about,” he said of the Progressive Conservatives and Doug Ford.

“People are looking for something different, not part of the status quo. That’s what the Green Party is offering,” he said to applause.

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