Democratic Green Party entry into Rwandan Parliament

The Democratic Green Party of Rwanda is pleased to inform all Rwandans and the general public that it successfully concluded parliamentary campaigns and got 5% of national electorate vote which has enabled it enter Rwandan Parliament for the next five-year term (2018-2023).

DGPR is grateful to all those who voted us into Parliament and all the partners in the parliamentary campaigns, notably: the public and private media, Rwandan police and security organs, local authorities, all party members and supporters as well as other competitors who campaigned with respect and passion for the country’s development.

Contrary to opponents’ negative perceptions, the Democratic Green Party stands for Love and not for Hate, Hope and not for Fear, Peace and Non-violence and not for War, Construction and not for Destruction. We campaigned centered on three pillars: transformation, opportunity and prosperity for all – around which our political program rotated.

We will strive for and support transformation and reforms in democracy and human rights, agricultural revolution and land reforms, quality healthcare and education, sound environment management, sustainable security and development, vibrant and independent media, critical and intellectual civil society, financial sector that supports green investment and entrepreneurship, growing and inclusive economy, judiciary that guarantees human rights and promotes rule of law, good governance hinged on democracy, unity and reconciliation process based on truth for Rwandans, advocate for electoral reforms in regards to local elections and other sectors, to mention but a few.

We will advocate for citizen-driven bills and citizenry close parliament contrary to the status quo, promote quality education that engenders education tourism and world standing in education system, sector specific banks such as import and export bank, cooperative bank, agricultural bank and green investment bank to complement 16 commercial banks we have in the country.

We will restlessly struggle for taxation that: ensures progressive taxation, tax breaks especially start-ups and entrepreneurs notably youths and women, eliminates tax evasion and tax refugees, eliminates land tax and ensure total land ownership, enhances tax harmonisation and tax education to remove tax penalties.

We will fight against unemployment with creation of Rwanda Employment Board to meet the challenges therein and reduce inequality with 1:10 ratio of salaries in an organisation, enhance skills development for the future within the populace as well as technology use in social and economic transformation.

Done at Kigali, 5th September 2018

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