“The Asia Pacific Greens Federation has called on the Israeli Government to re-evaluate its negative response to the latest UN Security Council resolution on the Middle East and to respect its provisions, providing an opportunity for the peace process to bear fruit.

The call is in response to the Council’s resolution 2234 which reaffirms that Israeli settlements in Palestinian occupied territory have no legal validity, and are an obstacle to the two-state vision of Israel and Palestine living side-by-side in peace and security. The resolution was adopted 14 votes for, and 0 votes against with one abstention (USA).

“Resolution 2234 is an historic step which, if handled with mature leadership by all sides to the Middle East conflict, could facilitate a breakthrough in the stalemate that has thwarted progress in the peace process for decades”, says Green spokesperson for New Zealand Green Global Affairs spokesperson, Kennedy Graham.

“It is important for Israel to respect the ‘common aspiration of the international community’, as China put it, which is not a repudiation of Israel’s right to exist within secure borders but simply a criticism of a policy that blocks the peace process.”

“As the UK put it, those supporting the resolution did so ‘as friends of Israel’ since it was in the best interests of both sides to the conflict.”

“The resolution is an historic one with potential for major steps forward in the peace process. It is critical for Israel not to succumb to a knee-jerk reaction and repudiate the juridical opinion of the World Court and now the political judgement of the Security Council”, says Dr Graham.

“The situation may come as an unpleasant jolt to Israel, but that is a natural necessity in breaking a long-standing deadlock in a regional crisis”.


Penny Allman-Payne

Liaquat Ali Shaikh


Asia Pacific Greens Federation

About APGF

Asia Pacific Greens Federation is membership based organization, representing Green parties across the region , currently green parties from Australia, New Zealand, Philippines, Taiwan, Japan, Korea,indonesia,Mongolia, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Lebanon green parties are full members , and green parties from Fuji , Palestine and Taiwan Friends of global greens are associated members.

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