Green Party of Lebanon

Harmonizing Nature and Nation: Sustainable Progress through Diversity and Democracy

Embracing the richness of diversity and championing the right to be different, the Green Party of Lebanon fosters a culture of respect for political, cultural, religious, ethnic, and gender differences. Our commitment lies in nurturing enhanced interaction and fostering meaningful dialogues among all facets of our diverse society.

Who we are

Our Vision

Lebanon is an inherited national treasure, protected by a modern secular state that adopts sustainable development in all of its economic and social policies.

Our Mission

The Green Party of Lebanon is an environmental, secular, democratic and modern party endeavoring for Lebanon to remain an inherited national treasure, protected by a modern secular state that adopts sustainable development in all of its economic and social policies.

Modern State & Citizenship

The Party endeavors to found the pillars of a modern state in Lebanon by extracting sectarianism from political texts and form people’s minds and by adopting secularism and the respect for religious beliefs while promoting citizenship.

News & Events

Request support to help Beirut after the explosion disaster

In the midst of an unprecedented stifling economic crisis afflicting Lebanon, a catastrophic explosion occurred in the port of Beirut. It killed 200 people and injured 6,500. The Beirut port explosion has also demolished thousands of residential and heritage buildings, public and private institutions of all kinds, and caused great damage to hospitals. Now more […]


The loss of Mrs. Hedwig is irreparable

Dutch Foreign Ministry Embassy of the Netherlands in Lebanon Mr. Jan Waltman’s Dutch Ambassador in Beirut We have received in great pain and sadness the death of your wife, Mrs. Hedwig and Altman’s Mollier due to the Beirut Port explosion. The loss of Mrs. Hedwig is irreparable, as she was actively working between Amsterdam and […]
